Male netball star breaks the status quo

A Mohlakeng man says there's still a lot of misconception in the modern day that the male species cannot play netball but that doesn't deter him. "I'll constantly want to change that narrative."

Mohlakeng resident Dukies Mokaila is breaking the status quo and has made a name for himself in a sporting code that is popularly associated with women.

Mokaila plays male netball and is the founder and president of the Brothers Netball Club – both a male and female netball club. He is also the chairperson of West Rand Netball, vice president of Gauteng Netball, and the national captain for the Protea Pumas.

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Dukies Mokaila is making waves in netball.

Speaking to the Herald, Mokaila said he first fell in love with the sport when he was in primary school

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“I initially used to play tennis but the teacher, who was responsible for training us, wasn’t so interested and that’s when I decided to give netball a go, My interest grew over the years. We had a female netball team that was training at the school and I was the only male who would join them in their training sessions. I remember it was a bit taboo at the time to have a male playing netball because you’d get labelled, but I came to cross a lot of people who did understand my passion.

“Despite this, there’s still a lot of misconception in the modern day that the male species cannot play netball but that doesn’t deter me. I’ll constantly want to change that narrative. We need to be in a society where we are constantly trying to bridge the gender equality gap,” said Mokaila, who added that he, together with his netball team, have broken barriers and have grown over the years.

To date, the team has 120 members of male netball players from different age groups.

They have also opened up slots for those over the age of 40 for recreational purposes to help them get fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

According to Mokaila, he is the current Most Valuable Player (MVP) for male netball in the world and he received this title at an international inauguration in Jamaica.

The proof is in the pudding as they say and Mokaila he has been scooping up awards since 2011, including player of the country in male netball.

“The milestone has been reached a lot and I’m doing well for myself. The goal now is to groom the young ones,” concluded Mokaila.

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