
RandMark veteran shares helpful running tips

Being a member of RandMark since 1995, Karin Bezuidenhout shared some important information and tips runners should know.

Karin Bezuidenhout, the running representative at RandMark, shares some important information for runners.

Karin joined RandMark in 1995 while staying in Magaliesburg. At first, she just walked. For about eight years in a row, she was the club champion. She was able to finish a 21.1km walk in a time of 02:21 and a 10km walk in 62 minutes.

She further mentions walking was her passion but then the Comrades Marathon bug bit and she started taking running very seriously. Karin adds it is difficult for her to now get back into proper speed walking saying, “It is all about listening to your body and keeping it moving one way or another.”

Karin explains, “Running is difficult when you start, but as you get into it, it just becomes a way of life. Most importantly you do not need to run fast or too far.”

Gareth Jordaan. Photo submitted.

She continues to say studies show that running just five to 10 minutes daily and at a moderate pace may help reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other common diseases. With the amount of people struggling with mental health issues running or walking also helps to clear a person’s mind.

“Seeing the sun come up in the morning, the light in your eyes helps with mental illness,” she says.

“I run because if I didn’t I might just ‘kill someone’ as the saying goes. I get rid of all my frustrations and issues when I go out running.”

Linda Stander. Photo submitted.

She adds many are under the impression that it is important how fast or how far you run. In truth, it is about doing something.

“Even taking a walk around the block is better than nothing.”

She explains one needs to start somewhere and walking is a good starting point, you can then either continue walking or progress to running. Walking alone is good for older people and those who don’t like running, it means fewer injuries. Most importantly, ‘it’s about enjoying what you are doing, no need to go out running and you hate it’.

To start runners should begin with shorter distances.

“It’s about taking baby steps, walking then running only short distances. Doing too much too quickly will result in injuries.”

She notes at RandMark they have a beginners group. They run three lamp-posts and walk one for a distance of 5km. The aim is to get fit for a 10km run.

“They are just loving it and getting into it gently,” she adds.

Thinus Forbes. Photo submitted.

She mentions another important matter when running, is safety.

“In this day and age, we have to be very vigilant as runners and cyclists are easy targets out on the road. We have to be aware of our surroundings and not oblivious to things. Watch and look, be aware of everything going on around you.”

She advises runners not to take the same routes at the same time and if possible rather run or ride in a group. She notes she carries a taser with her and always runs with one of her six rescue dogs.

“Running isn’t something you just fall in love with, it’s hard work, plenty of sweat over plenty of kilometres, but it pays off and you get so much out of it. I’ve seen the most amazing places because of my running. I believe you must embrace the fact that it will only get better with more running and then even more running and when you’re really tired, some more running.”

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