Exercise in the colder months – you can do it!

Don't let the colder seasons keep you from becoming the person you want to be.

With the colder months ahead of us, it might be hard to find the motivation to keep working out and living a healthy lifestyle. That’s why the Herald spoke to a personal trainer about how to stay fit and motivated during autumn and winter.

The 36-year-old Terence Byrne has been a personal trainer for the past 15 years and has a lot of knowledge about fitness. He said one has to train hard in warm and cold conditions, and the key is to stay motivated and find a way to get out of bed.

In autumn and winter it’s important to do longer warm-ups, keep moving, dress warmly and not spend too much time outside; rather do your exercises indoors.”

He added that individuals need to find exercises that suit them and give them more motivation to carry on with their fitness journey throughout the colder months.

Personal trainer Terence Byrne gives tips on how to stay fit and exercise in the colder months. Photo: Michelle Roodt.

He gave the following tips:

• Plan your day
• Get into a routine
• Drink more water
• Eat more fresh food and avoid processed meals
• Have fewer takeaways
• Cut out sugar
• Good carbs are not the enemy
• Train a minimum of three times per week

It’s important not to stop exercising during the colder months so you don’t lose what you gained in the summer months, and that you can look better in the months to come.”

Terence explained that it is very difficult but it’s worth it to keep going in these months – everyone can do it. He added that it is essential to keep one’s muscles warm by doing longer warm-ups and dressing warmer.

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