Running and cycling despite not-so-pleasant weather

Forty local sport fanatics and members of the Randmark Walk, Run and Cycle Club took part in the 2021 annual Duathlon

Forty local sport fanatics and members of the Randmark Walk, Run and Cycle Club took part in the 2021 annual Duathlon sporting event at the Greenhills Stadium on Saturday, October 2.

Club spokesperson Lee Kotze said despite the unpleasant weather members still came out in great numbers and in good spirit to have fun.

“The main purpose was to get all the members in three disciplines together. We wanted to give them an opportunity to meet and socially mingle because there’s no other sporting event that gives our members a chance to meet each other. I mean, you may know your fellow runners, walkers or cyclists, but you don’t know other members of the club in all the others codes,” Lee said.

Chris Ayres also braved the cold and wet weather. Photo: Tumi Riba.

The Duathlon was a combination of running and cycling legs. There were a women’s and men’s 4km run, a 20km cycle and 2km run, as well as a women’s and men’s 2km run, 10km cycle and 2km run.

“At the end of the event we also handed over prizes to our winners,” Lee added.

She applauded members for not letting the cold and wet weather deter them – especially considering that it’s an event that only takes place once a year.

“It really demonstrated how dedicated our athletes are. As early as 07:00 we started communicating on our WhatsApp groups and decided that despite the not-so-pleasant weather, the Duathlon would carry on as planned. Many of our members braved the weather to have fun; they still showed up!”

Maude Badenhorst cycling all the way. Photo: Tumi Riba.

Lee, who also took part in the Duathlon said, “There’s a saying that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing. That’s why everyone just put on their jackets and came out to enjoy the day because it is what you make of it that matters the most,” Lee concluded.

Results are as follows:

• Women’s 4km run, 20km cycle and 2km run:

1 – Annamarie Jacobsz
2 – Maude Badenhorst
3 – Beula Botha

• Men’s 4km run, 20km bike and 2km run:

1 – Bruce Minnie
2 – Jan-Hendrik Visser
3 – Paul Kotze

• Women’s 2km run, 10km cycle and 2km run:

1 – Yolandi Botha
2 – Meghan Rowan
3 – Elzane Kirsten

• Men’s 2km run, 10km cycle and 2km run:

1 – Sean Rowan
2 – George Heinz
3 – Christo Hechter

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