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Fifty and still pumping muscles

Mohlakeng fitness guru Thabo Polumo celebrates 50 years!

Fitness fanatics of all kinds gathered at the Mohlakeng Recreation Centre to celebrate the 50th birthday of fitness guru Thabo Polumo.

Thabo has proved to be a true fitness fanatic for over 35 years and has been involved in sport, ranging from karate and bodybuilding to table tennis.

To mark the occasion, a mini aerobics marathon and karate display were held by his friend, sensei Eugene Moiloa and fellow karatekas. Thabo has won several provincial honours in bodybuilding both as a junior and senior.

I am happy to have been heavily involved in sport. Sport taught me discipline and to be respectful to other people; but, most of all, to look good! Although I have been involved in karate and bodybuilding for most of my fitness journey, I have developed an interest in aerobics that was introduced to me by fellow instructor Hilda Biyela.”

Thabo, also known as Van Damme, was inspired by former Mr Universe and actor Jean Claude Van Damme. He indicated that he would like more of the above-mentioned sporting activities to be introduced in the region, but this is not happening at the moment due to a lack of facilities and a lack of interest from the youth.

“It is time to have a big community event like the Maskhane Games which is only good for community development. It used to happen back in the days.”

Thabo has a twin sister, Nthabiseng who also has the same level of fitness energy, but she is more into showbiz as an actress and singer. She is married and based in the USA.

Thabo with a cake just for him. Photo: Raymond Moeng.

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