Volleyball players jog and cycle to stay fit

Volleyball players turned cyclists for a day with the aim to stay active during the pandemic.

Under hard lockdown and with Covid-19 around, athletes were forced to stay put. Even fans and spectators couldn’t enjoy the sport they love.

With many sports being allowed to slowly but surely come back to life under level 1 of lockdown and to stay active, the Super Kids Volleyball Club from Mohlakeng hit the streets of Rand West City, even into neighbouring Krugersdorp, by jogging and cycling recently.

“We are just keeping our players busy as we have not yet started with our volleyball events and training. This is one way of keeping our players active and off the streets. Most of them are girls and they can be vulnerable to social ills such as teen pregnancies, alcohol abuse and so on,” said Mushi Mogapi, a volleyball coach.

Mushi added they were able to buy equipment including bikes thanks to the Gauteng Department of Sport, Art, Culture and Recreation, which provided the financial assistance.

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