From the gym to lifting truck tyres thanks to Covid-19

But with many fitness enthusiasts having discontinued their gym contracts, they had to adopt outdoor physical activities such as running, walking and outdoor fitness just like at boot camps.

Minky Molefe recently joined hordes of others excited about continuing their fitness journey again.

Due to the easing of Covid-19 regulations, gymnasiums are back in business again.

But with many fitness enthusiasts having discontinued their gym contracts, they had to adopt outdoor physical activities such as running, walking and outdoor fitness just like at boot camps.

Minky, an instructor, now specialises in hosting boot camps at the Ramosa Hall parking lot with 15 others of her team, most of them women, from 5pm to 6pm from Monday to Friday.

Since lockdown I and others I know have not been doing much. I did some basic training at home with a few of my friends just to keep fit but this was not good enough. Boot camps are an alternative to going to the gym.

“We use large truck tyres instead of actual gym equipment. This was introduced to me by coach and instructor, Owen Gabaocwe in Potchefstroom where I used to live at one stage in my life. I then brought boot camps back home to Mohlakeng. There is a demand in the community,” said Minky.

Minky Molefe lifting a truck tyre. Photo: Raymond Moeng.

Minky added that boot-camp training is high-intensity training, and gives your upper and lower body a full workout.

Despite the fact that we are outdoors we still adhere to the necessary Covid-19 protocols like keeping our distance; bringing your own towel, water bottle and sanitizer.”

Minky said they also have the guidance of boxing trainer Pule Mahloko.

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