
De Lange threatens Roodman

"He won’t be smiling as wide on August 7."

Shaun de Lange has broken his media silence and explained why he has kept the media at arm’s length ahead of his EFC (Extreme Fighting Championship) 32 main card fight against Gordon ‘Rage’ Roodman on August 7.

“There’s a reason you don’t see me except when I’m in the Hexagon. I’m training,” said De Lange.

“My job is to fight.”

De Lange has also taken the chance to sling some criticism Roodman’s way who is defintley not media shy and has been talking himself up ahead of the fight.

‘Gordon can hype this fight all he wants, none of that matters when he steps in front of me, and I smash him up like all the rest,” added De Lange.

“Saxon [Delafield] had a lot to say before we fought and he went down in flames.  Gordon, I’m glad you’re having fun. You won’t be smiling as wide on August 7.”

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