
LETTER: Seriously concerned about the cutting of trees

'I cannot bear to see our beautiful trees damaged in this way' – Greenhills resident.

• Anonymous writes:

I am gravely concerned with the tree cutting going on in Raven Road, Greenhills, between Kenneth Road and Greenhills Avenue.

They are cutting the municipal trees on the pavements, but they are not municipality workers.

Also read: LETTER: Has the traffic department given up on policing our roads?

They cut big branches off, leaving decimated trees, hacked without care. They have a professional trailer on which they load tree logs.

I think they are in the wood business!

Also read: LETTER: Please stop killing our beautiful, life giving trees

But they surely do not have the right to get their wood, which they surely sell, by taking it from the community without permission! Please help. I cannot bear to see our beautiful trees damaged in this way.

Hoping you can help, or that you can recommend someone who can!

Seriously concerned.

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