
LETTER: Please stop killing our beautiful, life giving trees

Where are the days when the flora on the side-walks were nurtured and not tortured? – resident.

• Tanya Venter writes:

On Saturday, August 20, while driving down one of the most well ‘taken care of’ roads of my area, I was accosted with this image.

This road (and many others) in Roodepoort, Krugersdorp and Randfontein look like this.

Trees being defaced and mutilated. No bus or truck or large vehicle use these roads. The power lines are nowhere near the tops either. There is no logical reason for this.

It is unsightly and totally wrong. These trees are not being groomed nor correctly trimmed. They are being decimated.

Tell me JHB City, Mogale City and Rand West City Local Municipality Parks, are you hiring contractors who only have chain saws and no true horticultural experience?

Or is the alternative that taxpayers are paying employee salaries where the treefeller is incompetent? Where are the days when the flora on the sidewalks were nurtured and not tortured?

Seriously. Please stop killing our beautiful, life giving trees.

The resident says trees are being defaced and mutilated as pictured above not just in Roodepoort but also Krugersdorp and Randfontein. Photo submitted.

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