LETTER: Overloaded trucks – a tragedy waiting to happen?

Resident says there are a few queries that need to be addressed regarding overloaded trucks using Northway Road.

• Anonymous writes:

I appreciate that the overloaded trucks using Northway Road are an endless topic of conversation and complaints.

Also read: Overloaded truck wreakes havoc

However, there are a few queries that need to be addressed.

1) Why are these drivers above the law?

2) Why are the drivers untouchable?

3) They don’t stop at stop signs in spite of the dozens of school learners using the stop streets.

4) The drivers can be seen talking on their phones and even texting while driving at full speed.

5) They use the truck’s exhaust brakes in a residential area and the noise is deafening. There are two crèches and a church on this road.

6) The trucks weave in and out of funeral corteges, and use the exhaust brakes and horns while driving past the graveyard. They have no respect.

7) The road has been ruined and there are burst water pipes everywhere due to endless truck traffic.

8) To avoid the potholes, the trucks pull out in front of school buses and taxis full of children.

9) The traffic police, including a highway patrol vehicle, are on this road every hour of every day, and they do nothing; they witness all the traffic infringements. They even escort the trucks at high speed through the stop streets.

10) The traffic police won’t even respond to the ward councillor, and neither does the mayor.

11) There is going to be a terrible accident involving school kids.

12) Obviously there is a reason why the traffic police do nothing about these trucks. The drivers will tell you why if asked.

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