We have something far worse to worry about than Covid 19

I think it's time a rates and taxes dispute be declared by the residents of this town.

• Eddie Bunge writes:

Randfontein residents have something far worse than Covid-19 to worry about.

Covid-19 is real, yes, and of great concern; however, most residents won’t catch Covid-19 if they practice safe protocols such as social distancing, sanitizing their hands and wearing masks etc, but they sure as hell are going to encounter potholes out there on our municipal roads in this town.

There are huge potholes between Finsbury and a café, with the municipality not doing anything about them. Yet millions have been wasted on new roads between Finsbury and the R28.

Most taxpaying residents of Randfontein do not use that section of the road!

I think it’s time a rates and taxes dispute be declared by the residents of this town.

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