
The year that changed the world

Covid-19 has consumed the world in so many different ways and the pandemic is far from over.

• Joy Hamann on behalf of the Randfontein Publicity (RPA) writes:

2020 is a year many of us want to forget, but will not.

Who can forget living through a world-wide pandemic where schools shut down, many businesses ground to a halt and most of us were forced to stay at home for several months? Some were able to work from home, some lost their jobs and some earned only a portion of their salary. Tough times indeed. Changes, challenges and tough choices are what many will remember about the year 2020.

For several months we could not go to church, to gym or visit friends and family.

We couldn’t travel, go to concerts, stadiums or gather in large groups. Elbow-to-elbow greetings replaced handshakes, kisses on the cheek and those all-important hello hugs. Social distancing, masks, sanitizing and Zoom meetings became the norm.

Covid-19 has consumed the world in so many different ways, and the pandemic is far from over.

So many questions are asked: Where do we find the fast-forward button to better times? How much longer must we wear masks? How many of us have pressed the reset button and taken a long, hard look at our lives? Has 2020 forced us to change the way we think, the way we behave, the way we work, the way we live?

The world has experienced countless wars, plagues, disasters and hard times – and survived.

We hope you survived 2020 and that we all can look forward to better times.

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