Gravy train – one of destruction

Lovelace Mathysen writes:


The gravy train is a nice and comfy ride – if you’re willing to adhere to the rules.

You can ride it for a very long time, but if you start growing a conscience it will be extremely difficult to keep it up. So why bother? Million excuses come to mind why people purchase tickets on this train of destruction.

Besides that, I must also tell you how dangerous it can be … the most terrifying ride to be on. One mistake and it’s over … when I say over, I mean there can be a lot of different consequences awaiting you on the other side. More like a roller coaster ride than a smooth experience. Very uncertain position to be in. Combined with its perks it’s not all it cranked up to be. But nonetheless, its gravy and people enjoy it while it lasts.

The thing about it is, you do not need a conscience and you must have a heart as cold as ice, ’cause you are going to hear what happened to people who depended on you to do the right thing.

You will hear their cries, complaints and mourning. The victims are usually closer than you imagined. Thinking twice about your deeds, regrets fill your memory bank.

You’ll have sleepless nights …

You will be aware of the solutions and what route for troubled souls to take but it will be impossible to let them know. If you do, they will obviously notice a folly and you might give away more than intended.

It’s a 24/ 7 job to keep things under the carpet and away from people; especially from the ones that have put huge amounts of trust in you.

You have to make sure people do not discover what’s really happening. Make sure your cover is never blown and you cover your tracks. Everything has to be done undercover. Lies, deceit and betrayal run rampant on the gravy train.

You have to keep more and more people quiet and happy. What an expansive exercise! It will get more difficult, the power of greed overwhelms everyone in the circle, every single soul on the train.

You lose you self-respect and dignity along the way. It’s inevitable.

You become a different person, your personality changes, mostly to fit into the crowds you’re forced to hang out with. Later, different groups form and start attacking each other, retaliation usually follows. Leaves the vulnerable, poor and unsuspected in the dust.

The ride on the train consumes you, physically and mentally.

You become a bitter person, no matter how fat your pockets become. The greed grows with every score, the need to get more and more multiply daily. You do not really care who you hurt.

You will start showing what you got, like a small spoilt brat and you’ll start to slip up … start making senseless mistakes, the irritation and short temper will build up and loneliness will start creeping in. Fewer people will want to hang out with a bragging, nagging, confused and conceited person.

Conscience will start eating at the soul of “Mr Big”. When the well runs dry and it’s time to eat your food on the ground like the rest of us, it will be too late.

The damage would’ve been done already. Lives and livelihood destroyed, some to a point of no recovery. Young people’s dreams and aspirations destroyed in one quick sweep, left with uncertainty and despair. No way to fend for themselves, robbed of much-needed opportunities. Elders left with nothing but heartache and disappointment, a repetitive chain of events that always leads to destruction, pain and suffering. Young and old are left hopeless …!

The destruction, all courtesy of old gravy train.

We will start blaming each other, we will start having trust issues and paranoia will be our friend to the end. It will boil over and turn into hate, hate for different races, hate for our own, hate for each other and for our beautiful country SA.

Confusion, disbelief and anger are left and we fail to trust, even if he or she’s the perfect candidate. By that time all you know to do is to see the wrong in a person, the negativity is what you focus on instead of the good.

When the train stops, oh and it stops abruptly without warning. Please explain, will be a man’s only option …!

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