
It’s so ‘un-ubuntu’

Anonymous writes:

I just want the public to know how very unprofessional, rude and unremorseful some employees at the municipality and housing department are.

Firstly, they send you from pillar to post. Then they give you the wrong documents. Then they refer you to the wrong person. Then you get the security people at the door who think they know more than anybody. Then you get the ones who shout at you and want to cause a scene in front of their colleagues and disrespect you.

It’s so ‘un-ubuntu’ and exhausting to deal with such people.

On top of your housing problems, they got no communication skills whatsoever yet they are working with the community. They behave as if they are doing you a favour while most of them do not even know it is their job and that they are getting paid from taxpayers’ money, which is the community!

They should up their game and go for the necessary training before working with the community. You do, however, get those who are really helpful but the majority of them show unacceptable behaviour.

That is why when people go to such places they also start being rude because they know what’s going to happen.

This is really sad.

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