Stop pointing fingers and start looking in the mirror

The blame game is boring and living in the past is old. What happened in the 1900s should stay there, we have to move on for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

If exemplary parents (like we claim we are), hardworking and law-abiding citizens of this country would just for once stop pointing fingers and start looking in the mirror, things will work out.

You know it’s easy to shift the blame and not take responsibility. Government can’t, in some cases will not, help and relieve our stresses. We have to start from grassroots level, at home and in our own communities and commit ourselves.

Not just doing it for the sake of being seen, I mean actually doing something good and changing our situation positively.

The drug dealers and tavern owners are always the first to come under fire while we are forgetting it’s our duty to keep the young ones away from places like that. Teach them right from wrong at an early age. I will not stop putting emphasis on the fact that we will not get rid of the drug problem if we insist on destroying the drug dealers. They are a drop in the ocean; they are almost invisible. Stop one today, the very next day there will be another one. That’s how it is and has been that way since back in the day.

Rather go after the big guns, the ones that bring the stuff into our communities and country. Then you’ll be doing something constructive.

Drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution and smuggling were there before we were born. You will not get rid of it, you have to control it. Dealing in drugs is a business and in business there has to be demand for certain goods, so someone can supply it. Take away the demand aspect of the equation, then no one will want to supply it. Simple as that. Something we need to discuss more thoroughly, another time.

We should wage war against poverty, not poor people. Poverty is brought on because of a whole lot of issues, each different from person to person. Many poverty-stricken people have no other alternatives. Unemployment is one of the main causes which in turn leads to crime. Everybody has to eat.

They greediness of people in high places drain the life out of the ordinary man in the streets. Jobs are lost on a daily basis because of mismanagement and incompetence. The list can go on for days …

Lawyers, police and judges need to work every day, so if you do not commit crime they’ll have a problem. What will they do each day? Doctors and pharmaceutical companies need to eat, so if they do not keep you sick, how will they make money? What if there is a cure for HIV/AIDS and the Coronaviruses (CoV)? To give it to you now, many will lose huge amounts of money. Think about it …

Incompetence, being uninformed and greed lead to corruption. No one is born corrupt.

We then blame kids for their behaviour, never realising some act out what they were taught. What they see, they do. It’s easy to take up arms and kill our kids, mentally. Never realising the damage we are doing, because some never bounce back.

From inside our homes to the highest office in the country, it is our duty to make positive choices, not only for the here and now, but for the well-being of future generations – not only thinking about ourselves, but about growing our beautiful country, South-Africa. Big old SA is nothing without its people.

We need to live in harmony and grow side by side; find ways and means to get rid of what’s bringing us down and be a proud nation. We need to show the world we know what’s wrong and we are willing to change. Hold the evil forces accountable and make them pay for their wrongdoing. Protect our borders and shores for the enemy, keep our citizens safe from harm. Rebuild our economy to greater heights and educate our youth in economics, science, technology, agriculture and health, and never stop praying to our Almighty God so He can guide us.

Violence will not stop violence, so will hate never stop hate. We need to choose love, tolerance and understanding. The blame game is boring and living in the past is old. What happened in the 1900s should stay there, we have to move on for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Not saying we should forget, just don’t bring it up so much. People usually play that card when they are cornered; it shows weakness!

God help the ones that help themselves. We need to be proactive and start putting in some work. Praying but also moving forward with the faith that everything will be okay is for me the way to go.

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