Five stars for excellent service!

Thank you Jacques! You put a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

We live in a hard and often heartless world.

But then ONE person goes the extra mile and changes all the negatives into positives. Yes, pun intended!

I have been having endless problems with my car. In desperation, I called Jacques van der Sandt at Battery Clinic at Tambotie Mall. Without hesitation he said no problem, come in – I am waiting for you.

I’ve had very positive dealings with Battery Clinic before, so I headed straight there, hoping that Jacques could fix what nobody else could help me with.

As I drove into the premises, Jacques was waiting with his testing kit. He performed a miracle and within 10 minutes my problem was identified and sorted out!

Thank you Jacques! You put a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Thank you Battery Clinic for having such a big-hearted and just plain wonderful man working for you.

I give you five stars for excellent service.

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