
When finding a lost animal, R’fontein comes together

We would like to thank each and every person, each and every company, doesn't matter how small the contribution in our search was, thank you!

As a family we are huge animal lovers.

And one of the scariest things is to realise is that one of your animal kids has gone missing. On Saturday, 7 September, this is exactly what happened to us.

Upon our return home after not even an hour gone, my son’s dog, Rambo was missing. The only way he could get out was by jumping the fence. In Rambo’s seven years on Earth we have never had this problem.

A young man used to terrorise the animals and Rambo really went ballistic every time this happened. We suspect this same person came past, terrorised Rambo and he jumped the fence.

Our baby is missing. What to do? Facebook!

And there he is. A woman posted a photo of him, standing on a corner two blocks away from home looking absolutely lost.

We all jumped in the car and started searching. one street after the other, to no avail, stopping at total strangers asking if someone has seen him. Whilst searching, my daughter, Megan, was posting on Facebook groups asking that anybody who has seen him or know where he is, just contact us! Nothing at the vets!

So many people shared the posts! So many people prayed! So many people called to give us inspiration and referring us to WhatsApp groups for lost animals!

Saturday late afternoon another woman from the WhatsApp group Lost animal search group arranged a search party that met at the mini Pick n Pay.

More streets where checked! Kids where walking through fields calling out to Rambo! Armed reaction officers from both EPR and Mapogo where flagged down to ask for assistance in our search! When it got dark we had to give up the search with very heavy hearts!

Just after 8pm we received a message that someone might have seen him in Homelake! Again a search party came together and once again we had no luck, but another little angel was found!

On Sunday we hit the streets again in search! Flyers going up at all the shopping centres! Fields walked. Cemetery checked. Armed reaction officers flagged down again as the shifts have changed! Strangers asked! NOTHING!

Monday came. Feeling helpless, another post going up on the Facebook groups pleading for help. Just how is it possible that no one has seen him? Monday afternoon a messenger says ‘I’m sorry to say but there is a deceased dog on Main Reef Road’. My heart just sank! How will my son handle it if it’s his baby? Back in the car to go and check! Upon finding the doggy – jubilation – it’s not Rambo! And then the realisation it is someone else’s baby and our hearts cry!

Monday at 4pm another message! Black dog spotted at De Beers in Aureus! I’m not in the area and ask for assistance on the animal WhatsApp groups. The response and assistance were given within seconds! No dog found!

Sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs! Where can he be? At 7.35pm the phones all of a sudden start going crazy!

Rambo might have been found!!

Absolute shambles! My airtime is finished and I never noticed! Boet must run to the shop! Where’s my purse? Where are the car keys! O God, I hope he’s ok! A lady sending me airtime to save time! Phoning Cornelius who found him! Running out of the house with fear and in pyjamas!! Racing up to the Pick n Pay centre! Just craziness!

Two Mapogo vehicles parked at the closed-down doggy parlour! Rambo if it’s you, please don’t run, was going through our minds! Jumping out of the car, engine left running and there he is!

Inside the closed-down doggy parlour! Total disbelief! Tears flowing! Rambo trying to get to us through the window! How in the world did he manage to get in there? Cornelius shows us the place where he squeezed through! My son must jump fence. Cornelius standing there, worried because my son doesn’t have shoes on. Calling out Rambo’s name and him squeezing out through the space again! Rambo is safe!!

Cornelius helping my son to bring Rambo over the fence, tail wagging and face licking! Joy!

How Cornelius managed to notice Rambo inside the shop is a miracle!! Rambo, our pitch black baby, in a pitch black shop! Mr Coetzee from Mapogo, you have one very vigilant armed reaction officer in Cornelius!

We would like to thank each and every person, each and every company, doesn’t matter how small the contribution in our search was, thank you!

To Cornelius, you are a hero! Thank you doesn’t express what is in our hearts!

Randfontein has so many sad and horror stories, but in finding a lost animal Randfontein’ people can really come together!

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