To my wife, you are my hero

I wanted to give much more than this letter, but this is all I have to give right now.

This letter is addressed to my wife, who is doing her level best with the little resources we have, to care for our special-needs grandchild.

It does not go unnoticed, that after our grandson’s near-drowning in 2013, you are still this beautiful, loving and caring wife, mother and grandmother going about your daily routine taking care of (grandson), assisting our daughter and making time to find out if our son who lives on his own is taking care of himself.

You deserve everything that is good and precious. Unfortunately I cannot give it to you right now. It does not go unnoticed.

You gave up your career and your life, and always put everyone else’s needs before your own. It does not go unnoticed.

Taking care of (grandson) has taken a toll on your health, but you diligently, without complaints, go about your daily routine. It does not go unnoticed.

You always loved the finer things in life, but since (grandson’s) accident you have put everything else before your material needs. It does not go unnoticed.

You deserve the best of everything, but never want anything. It does not go unnoticed.

I hate the fact that I cannot give to you what you deserve, but yet you do not complain or nag about it. It does not go unnoticed.

If I was allowed a wish, I would wish that you are blessed beyond measure, I would wish you love, happiness and freedom; freedom to reach for your dreams and aspirations.

I wanted to give much more than this letter, but this is all I have to give right now.

You are my hero.

Your husband.

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