Shocked and appalled at the state of Greenhills

It is quite clear that the municipality cannot cope with this on a regular basis.

Driving through Greenhills recently I was shocked and appalled by the state of the suburb.

Every road is littered with trash, the traffic islands have rubbish dumped on them and grass is growing though the tar.

In countries that are often affected by natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, there are systems in place to deal with these. A few cents are levied on every utility bill and this is channelled into a disaster fund to deal with any disaster.

We are very fortunate in this country not to have to deal with many of these events. Is it too much to ask if we could do something like this?

Instead of it being there for disasters, the town could be divided into sections and various garden services could be employed to keep the town clean and maintained, as it is quite clear that the municipality cannot cope with this on a regular basis.

It could also give employment to several people.

Please give this some serious attention. We do not have to live in a rubbish dump; all it takes is a little commitment and organisation.

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