
Stock theft a major problem

We need to stand together in the fight against stock theft.

I’m writing this letter in the hope that our community takes notice.

Many times before today, we have warned livestock owners to beware and be vigilant, yet every week cases of stock theft are reported in all areas. We need to acknowledge that this is a major problem.

We need to stand together in the fight against stock theft. Helpful tips include clearly marking or targeting stock, and keeping livestock well locked up at night, preferably protected by alarms. But community members need to look out for each other as well.

Get to know your neighbours. Contact each other when suspicious activity is noted. Join your local CPF. We need more people to get involved and to join hands in the fight against serious crime in our areas. We just don’t have enough manpower to cover all areas.

You don’t need to patrol every night – if we have enough members, we can spread the shifts between them. Every individual can make a difference.

People tend to blame the police, CPF and security companies when they are victims of crime, but they don’t acknowledge the fact that they have done nothing to prevent crime. Stand with us and say enough is enough.

Join the CPF … do patrols when you can. If you are unable to do patrols, please make a small financial contribution. All the patrollers use their own vehicles, and pay for their own fuel. But we have people willing to patrol who can’t, because they can’t afford to do it out of their own finances.

If you are able to help us, please contact me on 073 444 8564.

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