
Beware of suspicious-looking rascals

Be careful, as there are suspicious-looking fellows around, and I suspect they are breaking into houses.

I’m a resident of Greenhills. On Tuesday, 4 May, some rascally intruder entered my yard.

I think the person used a crowbar or something to derail my sliding gate and gain access. Unfortunately for him, I was home.

I heard some commotion and movement at my garage door and at first I thought it was my wife returning from doing community service at a church and maybe dropping off tools but, when I looked through the window, the family vehicle was not in the driveway and somebody was trying to gain entry into the house by forcing his way through the burglar-proofing.

It was at this moment that I noticed a person running across the yard. The mistake I made was to scream at him and that’s when he jumped over the wall and ran away. I lost some time looking for the keys as I had locked all my doors but I could see him over the wall, still running.

I went in pursuit of him but could not find him. There was a suspicious-looking fellow in the street, but he could not describe the rascal.

The guy was, however, on his phone, maybe sending an SMS. I think not, because from nowhere a vehicle appeared and the guy in question jumped into it. It then reversed and sped off.

I came across a reaction officer from a local security company and informed him of what had happened. He said he would radio it in and be on the look-out for the vehicle.

Be careful, as there are suspicious-looking fellows around and I suspect they are breaking into houses.

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