Thumbs up to the IEC!

I really didn't expect this and would like to applaud the IEC for a job well done and say, 'Thank you!'

I take my hat off to the staff of the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) as they really outdid themselves at the 2019 National and Provincial Elections on Wednesday, 8 May.

As a voter, I was impressed with the voting process as it took me less than five minutes to make my mark.

This is simply remarkable considering that I had to first park my vehicle, walk to the voting station, scan my ID, get my ballot papers and vote. It also has to be mentioned that I voted during what can be described as peak hour – just after 5pm.

I really didn’t expect this, and would like to applaud the IEC for a job well done, and say, ‘Thank you!’

Let us know about your voting experience by emailing us at

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