
Thank you all for the clean-up!

• Joy Hamann, Randfontein Publicity Association Publicity Officer writes:

Greetings to all who assisted with the clean-up in Randgate on Saturday, 13 April.

Many hands make light work (over 40 people assisted)! Thank you for being prepared to get your hands dirty in our endeavour to clean up our town. We filled over 80 bags of rubbish.

There is a post on the Randfontein Publicity Association Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/randfonteininfo.co.za/ that has been shared with many Randfontein social media groups, together with the group photo. Please go and ‘Like’ and ‘Tag’ yourselves and your friends (let them see what awesome people you are).

Next month, we will focus on another area. The Herald will no doubt publish the next target in due course and I will also keep you posted.

Thanks to the following companies and individuals:

• The Herald and Doreen van Breda – they started the initiative.

• Total Garage Randgate – assisted with cleaning and a vehicle to remove the black bags.

• Spot On Garden Services – assisted with the cleaning.

• Madiba Estate Services (they removed branches etc. from the old boxing hall earlier in the week).

• Randgate Pharmacy – sponsored disposable gloves and black bags.

• JPL Packaging – sponsored disposable gloves and black bags.

• Roy Harris Estates – assisted with the cleaning.

• Rand West Nissan – assisted with the cleaning.

• Emshir Contractors – assisted with the cleaning and a vehicle to remove the black bags.

• Connie Mulder Centre – assisted with the cleaning.

A special thanks to the Randfontein CPF and Police for keeping a watchful eye over us at the Randgate Library. We did not know this area was a drug/ alcohol problem area.

In an attempt to reclaim our town’s dignity, we are going to appeal to members of the public to assist with reporting businesses and homeowners who flout the law by illegally dumping their rubbish, including garden and building refuse. Please help us keep our town clean. Send an email to joy@randfonteininfo.co.za or a WhatsApp to 082 852 1860 together with a name and/ or address and photograph of the law-breakers and we will ask the authorities to take action.

Once again, thank you one and all for responding to the call to action!

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