Wake up Randfontein

What is of grave concern is the municipality’s inability to provide basic services.

Our refuse in Greenhills was supposed to be removed on Tuesday, 2 April. As of today, 9 April, it has still not been removed.

On 9 April, I contacted the infrastructure department to enquire as to when our refuse will be removed and also why it hadn’t been done yet. I’m sure you can guess what the response was – the trucks didn’t break down this time as that is an old excuse.

“There is no money to buy fuel for the trucks to remove the refuse”.

What is of grave concern is the municipality’s inability to provide basic services. We had (in the recent past) the threat from Eskom to disconnect Randfontein from the grid due to unpaid accounts. Bear in mind that we, the users, have paid our accounts, but the municipality didn’t pay Eskom.

Our sewerage works are in a shambles, and according to reports, raw sewerage is dumped into the rivers. Our roads are in a horrendous condition. Leaking water pipes are not repaired. There is no law enforcement, people are simply ignoring road signs, placing other people’s lives in danger, yet nothing is being done about it. I guess they don’t have fuel for the traffic officers’ cars either.

It is blatantly clear that our municipality is on the verge of bankruptcy. Yet, we had the funds to invest in VBS Bank. VBS has been liquidated and chances are that we won’t receive a penny. Nothing has been communicated to the residents of Randfontein to explain what has happened to our money, nor was any action taken for the illegal investment in an unregistered bank.

It is time that the people who are all in the running for another term take responsibility for the mess that they have left our town in. It is also time that our councillors and municipal employees realise that they are in fact working for the people of Randfontein, and we are paying their salaries.

I trust that the people of Randfontein will wake up and vote on 8 May to get rid of these incompetent and corrupt officials who have let us and our town down.

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