What can be done about the noise?

I enquired at the local estate agents about selling my house and was told that due to what’s been going on opposite my house, the value has dropped. This is not fair.

I am writing this to ask for assistance from the Rand West City Local Municipality (RWCLM) or anyone else who reads it.

I have been struggling since 2016 with noise levels, drunk people and littering.

The parking area at the Randgate Library is being used by people who sit and drink, get drunk and leave their bottles and lunch boxes lying around. They use the trees and neighbouring house walls as toilets. People park their vehicles and put their music on so loud that we, who stay next to the library, can’t even hear our own TV inside the house.

We can’t even invite our family or friends over for a visit due to the noise levels. Some say the area is becoming more like an ‘open air shebeen’. The church across from the library often needs to phone the police for ‘help’ to bring the noise level down.

The people living around the library are scared to report this as we are then targeted. Houses and vehicles have been broken into previously.

When I call the police asking for help, they either put the phone down on me, or say they will send someone out, but no one arrives.

I’ve even sent emails to the Mayor, but that was a dead end.

I called the police again and they stated that I can draw up a petition and submit it to the court to request that the parking area can be used for vehicle parking only … is this not a parking lot already? My chances for this to be accepted are slim.

When I asked if I don’t have peoples rights in this matter, the response was ‘No’. I am paying for where I live, but people not staying in the area have more rights and can do as they please.

I enquired at the local estate agents about selling my house and was told that due to what’s been going on opposite my house, the value has dropped. This is not fair.

What can be done?

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