
When will we get paid?

We are all so desperate. Most of us simply want to support our families, please help!

To the dearest management of a public institution in the area:

Please, with due respect, can you notify us all – the 2018 Final Year Exams Invigilators who were invigilators for Business Courses at the Randfontein Campus – about when we will receive our payments? We have all signed contracts and are patiently waiting to get paid.

It’s so frustrating not knowing when we will get our payments. We have some outstanding accounts that need to be settled. Please indicate to all of us when can we expect our payments. We are all hoping it will be sooner than we expect, please!

We are all so desperate. Most of us simply want to support our families, please help!

Hoping and trusting that our sincerest plea and deepest prayer request will be met favourably soon, please!

Please send us all a bulk SMS to inform us!

With thanks.

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