EMS strike very concerning

I thought all emergency staff take an oath not to strike and ignore emergency calls.

Regarding the EMS strike, the following:

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought all emergency staff take an oath not to strike and ignore emergency calls.

First the municipality staff held a lock-in because of non-payment of salaries, but the next thing the municipality is donating things to different organisations. Why don’t they get their own office in order before they start doing things like that? I know many organisations are in need of help, but let’s get the priorities right.

I pay taxes and for services but get nothing in return. If the employees would take some pride in their jobs and do not take all the time and give nothing in return, not even a thank you or a smile, then we would have a better municipality.

I think it is about time the residents of Randfontein wake up, do something and not leave it to just a handful to sort things out.

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