
Complaint about ‘Litter Bugs’ an insult

I wonder if the anonymous writer did notice that the stadium was cleaned on Monday afternoon when he/she walked his dog past the stadium.

I hereby respond to the insult posted on page 4 of the Herald’s 21 September edition by an anonymous writer.

Firstly I would like to correct him/ her that we are CWP not CPW. I also wanted to check if his/ her dog or he/ she was injured by one of the bottles while they were walking alongside the stadium. I’m also worried about this anonymous person that when the stadium is clean they do not compliment, but only complain when they see municipality people having activities. One thing for sure the CWP participants are cleaning the stadium on a daily basis.

On 7 September, CWP supervisors and Sports for Youth held an event at the Greenhills Stadium and I’m not sure what time the anonymous walked his/ her dog past the venue because we finished everything around 6pm.

While we were having fun, CWP people used many plastic bags to gather the litter that was there. We made sure that we left the premises as clean as our participants had left it the previous day. However, the following day there was an event and unfortunately our participants do not work on weekends.

I am definitely sure that on Monday the premises was cleaned by the CWP participants who are placed to clean the stadium.

I wonder if the anonymous writer did notice that the stadium was cleaned on Monday afternoon when he/ she walked his/ her dog past the stadium. I think he/ she should have complimented CWP for taking measures of cleaning rather than calling us litter bugs. I wonder if he/ she walks the dog past the stadium so that it can urinate or defecate near the premises which our people clean on daily basis.


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