
Let’s make our nation a better place!

The days are indeed dark in our nation. Unemployment is very high, hate and racial issues are like a time bomb, crime spills over from the streets into homes, our education and health systems are poor, and political leaders keep on missing the main point.

This blessed and beautiful nation has been through extreme pains, challenges and difficulties before.

And it seemed impossible to overcome those odds at that time and season. But there were men and women full of courage and determination to liberate our nation at every cost.

This leaders kept the lamp of hope burning, for the sake of all of us. Because where there is no hope, there is definitely no future. And where there is no future, darkness reigns. So they had to keep the lamp burning even in the worst circumstances.

Today as a nation we face new challenges and difficulties. I guess every generation has a role to play in shaping their nation. We carry the calling, and the responsibility to contribute to moving our motherland forward. A little effort by everyone can amount to a huge difference when combined.

We must all keep the lamp of hope burning. We all have hope in different sizes. And we all have something to give back according to our capabilities. We can’t just take and enjoy the gift of freedom our forefathers fought and died for. But we must all ensure that this hard-earned freedom becomes a legacy that every generation will be proud to be part of, by taking it to glorious heights.

Despite how expensive and beautiful something can be, if it’s not well maintained, it loses its value. And that’s exactly what’s happening in South Africa.

Today’s youth don’t honour our heritage. Most of them ask, “What can the past do for me?”. Little do they know that it’s the very same past that assured their present democracy. And it is what they do today that will determine a successful future. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t lose hope on them, at least let’s assist them to see the rays of this light of hope.

*Read the full letter online at www.randfonteinherald.co.za

The days are indeed dark in our nation. Unemployment is very high, hate and racial issues are like a time bomb, crime spills over from the streets into homes, our education and health systems are poor, and political leaders keep on missing the main point. Despite what we go through as a nation, the blame game won’t take us anywhere. We should hold our lamps of hope in silence, because so far much has been said and little has been done. And we should pray in our hearts for our nation to overcome this dark moment.

South Africa will shine again, yes it will. It has happened before and it will happen again. And we will all know that history has a strange way of repeating itself. Just as the nation sang and marched with joy after the first democratic elections, we will sing a victory song again when all our recent problems become history. The best is yet to come; my hope says so. As long as we keep holding our lamps without fear, favour or doubt. The light of hope will guide us!

We need leadership that will not only show us the problems we have, but will bring forth solutions to redress our problems. That’s all we need. Leadership is not a career, but it’s a calling that comes with great responsibility. And solving problems should come natural to a leader – leaders who can be used by God to heal, unite, prosper and save our nation. Let us all hold the lamp with hope. We all have it in our hearts and we must keep it burning because our nation needs it. I love you all. Stay blessed!

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