A mother’s touch, a mysterious hand!

Who will explain to me the mystery behind this touch?

I have made her my home, while I have never seen her face.

A home where I feel warm, protected and well provided for. I am slowly but surely being formed by God within her. She is the only home I know. I grow stronger and better in this home. A home that I am well secured in, to call it home. For several months I have known and heard her heartbeat. But I have never seen her face. I am curious and nervous at the same time. “Who is she?” – a question that I thought no one could hear me asking.

Amazingly, every time this question leaps into my thoughts, her warm and caring hands touch me. A very passionate touch, a touch that no words can explain. Slowly but surely her hands move from one side to another. I looked up and down hoping to see the hands, hoping to see her face. But it quickly came to my attention that her touch was from the outside. “Outside”, I thought, “who would believe me?” How can such a mysterious touch that I feel deeply from my heart come from outside?

My eyes almost fell out, I was so surprised. What kind of touch is this, I wondered. Who will explain to me the mystery behind this touch. A touch that connects us. I then decided to respond to this touch. I shout but I can’t be heard. I then decided to kick. “But won’t I hurt her?” I thought to myself. I kicked as hard as I could, because by then I knew her laughter. It sounds like a flute played within a paradise. Her touch and laughter bring hope to my lonely world.

I can’t wait to come out. I want to see her face. I want to know her name. For her touch is special and priceless to me. All the songs she sang for me during the day, even at night in her silence, the songs continued playing in my heart. She is a special treasure indeed. I have to come out, I can’t wait to see her. I broke the water, because I have found a new home in her heart. My coming out caused her to scream in pain, the pain that will be outstripped by joy.

Even in her painful and distressed moments, she kept pushing. Pushing me forward, for pushing forward is all a mother knows. It comes naturally to her. Finally I am out, they use scissors to separate us. Little did they know that our hearts are connected for life. She held me in her kind and caring hands. Tears of joy started flowing from her eyes. I looked at her, and saw a smile of hope.

My little hands tried to reached for her face. A touch I was longing to give back. I looked deep into her eyes. I didn’t know that her eyes lead into the future, a bright and better future she hopes for me. I found it proper to call her a mother, my mother, your mother, our mother. Indeed a mother’s touch is everything in life. Let’s celebrate Mothers’ Day this coming Sunday. Happy Mothers’ Day!

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