
I know Winnie Nomzamo

A poem to the late Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the Mother of the Nation.

Just after she got married

Her husband was taken away

She had to father her children

Before she could finish pronouncing the word Icon

She had to father and mother the nation

I know Winnie Nomzamo

Just after she got married

She had to carry her family on her shoulder

Carry the nation on her head

She had neither experience for these responsibilities

Nor opportunity to chose

Nor freedom of choice

I know Winnie Nomzamo

Just all the while Nelson was kept

Incarcerated at the Island

She kept the home fires burning

Hope and source of inspiration for the Nation

Opened her heart to the crying

Opened her door to the running

I know Winnie Nomzamo

Just as the days got darker

Kept the oppressive system on their toes

Kept the ANC alive

Upheld the Mandela name

Provided decisive leadership

Encouraged vibrant activism

She was fearless, she was daring

She held the sword at the sharp end

While the Icon was moulded

She bore the pain of their family

She absorbed the shock of the nation

She shared his pain as husband and leader

When he was denied bread because he was black

She filled him with words of hope

When he was humiliated, denied to wear long pants cause he was black

She retained his dignity by being the strong black woman, wife, mother and leader

Just as time would tell

While the president in waiting

Went through political initiation

She cleared the path and prepared the way for him

She raised high the ANC flag to the world

She kept her right hand clenched fist high in the air

I know Winnie Nomzamo

When time for the inevitable arrived

With humour/ dignity walked him out the Polsmoor gates

Took his hand from the prison guard

Handed him over to his people

But lost him to the nation

She is the hero

Hers is the crown of glory

Worthy of all credit

At what price if not all her life

Qhawe lama qhawe

Camagu ntombi ka Madikizela

Enkosi kuwe Nomzamo uzamile!

I know Winnie Nomzamo!

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