Farewell, potholefon… I mean Randfontein

Journalist says farewell to the Herald, the town and its people.

Dearest Randfontein,

The time has come for me to say farewell to the Herald. I will be moving to another Caxton branch in the North of Johannesburg (where there are fewer potholes).

Truly, this is a town I will never forget – its people, potholes and that one time when CPF Sector 4 had a BOLO (be on the lookout for) on my 0.8l Chery.

Oh, I will also not forget the smell of this town in all its mine dust and sewerage splendour.

Potholefon- … I mean Randfontein, I will not forget the broken street lights, Tannie Sarie complaining about her neighbour’s dog barking or the times I acted as the Yellow Pages for people in need of a gardening service.

Ward councillors, I will never forget your complaints (and complaints, and complaints). Nor will I forget saving kittens with Janette Muller from the SPCA and councillor ‘Two story Craig’ Harrison.

To my schools, you and the Randfontein Sports clubs, have been like family. Especially my home away from home, the Randgate Boxing Club and the Gonsalves family home.

Rand West mayor, Mzi, I will never forget how you played along with all my April Fool’s jokes nor how you always invited me to events five minutes before they start.

To the Randfontein Police, Captain Appel Ernst and Brigadier Mashole Manamela, working with you has been a delight. Constable Lucky Matome from the Tarlton Police, you’ve always been an officer I could call on in need.

Oom Sarel, Piet and Wensel-Johannes Pretorius, my untimely walk-ins, ek gaan julle ook mis, en Maritza en Clinton.

The RPA, oh what else is there to say? Joy and Marcelle, the two of you practically run the town along with Roy. It has been a pleasure doing the show with you. I will bring along a cutout of this letter in exchange for next year’s show tickets, possibly a golf cart and maybe free food? Maybe the food is a bit excessive, the tickets and cart will do for this humble journalist.

Jokes aside, Randfontein, this has been one of the most enlightening experiences I’ve had. I will miss each and every person I have encountered at my time at the Herald. Thank you.

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