Toekies – the pit for the forgotten

This municipality does not care one ounce for the coloured community of Toekomsrus.

• Jillian Andrews writes:

I have lived in Toekomsrus my entire 31 years. From the age of 18, as is my duty and right as a citizen of a democratic country, I have done my civic duty by registering to vote and voting for various councillors during the election process, election year in and election year out.

And you know what? I will stop this in its entirety from this year forward. The reason being? This municipality does not care one ounce for the coloured community of Toekomsrus. This is evident in the lack of development and outright progress being made in my community.

Referring to the Mayor’s maiden State of the City Address where he laid out the plans for the West Rand council – nowhere did I read anything about a single thing being done for the people of Toekomsrus. Other so-called ‘informal settlements’ are getting housing developments whilst the people of Toekomsrus are being told year in and year out there is no land for housing.

I have so many grievances about how my community is being discarded and allowed to wallow in unemployment, drug abuse and rampant crime whilst around us so much more is being done for other communities and especially their youth.

I have heard that during council meetings the mayor has made it clear that Toekomsrus is not a priority and that our elected councillors have also taken a vow of silence, meaning that when probed about any needs and wants for our community they appear to be mutes.

Why are these people being elected when they have no interest in bettering or helping their community or people?

We pay exorbitant rates and taxes for absolutely nothing – potholes, blocked storm-water drains, no running police station, a municipal swimming pool that has been standing empty for the better part of two years now.

We need answers; we need solutions, not empty promises every election year. If you don’t care about this community, do not petition for our votes. Keep ignoring us and let us waste into nothingness, because that will happen in due course.

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