You come again for your licence and I will fail you again

To all parents with teenage children, hopefully your child will be one of the few not met with this kind of bigotry.

“You come again for your licence and I will fail you again,” is what a traffic test examiner at the local traffic department told my daughter on 1 November.

From the start of what turned out to be a horrible experience, my daughter knew that the examiner’s apparent short temper would make this test futile.

It was only when the test was aborted due to a “roll” that the testing official gave her her results. It was as if my daughter had not even begun!

Zeros filled the page where she had done her interior and exterior inspection. When my daughter asked for an explanation she was met with uncalled-for hostility from the examiner.

The word of a student against a traffic official holds no ground and she was told that if she were to come again she would be failed again.

As a person of just morality and well-needed patience, I am tired of the way the traffic department treats learner drivers.

To all parents with teenage children, hopefully your child will be one of the few not met with this kind of bigotry.

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