No to legalisation of dagga, I agree – teacher

Those who think otherwise are living in denial.

As a teacher, I agree with the opinion that those who promote the legalisation of dagga have not adequately considered the impact of such a step on the minds, lives and futures of our country’s pupils.

There may be many unintended consequences of legalising dagga that have not been considered. The legalising of dagga will send the message that dagga smokers have been vindicated and have the support of the government.

Perhaps I am fetching the proverbial “bobbejaan agter die bult” (translated: fetching the baboon beyond the hill – which means imagining consequences that will not transpire), but I can already imagine pupils demanding the right to smoke dagga in class. As it is, teachers have enough to contend with in dealing with barriers to learning.

We don’t need any more problems. That will be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

By legalising dagga we will sacrifice the future of our youth and our country on the altar of convenience. By legalising dagga, our country will slide more in the direction of mediocrity, apathy and lawlessness. Those who think otherwise are living in denial.

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