It’s time to shape up or ship out …

I would strongly suggest that you make the Traffic Department a priority.

Firstly I would like to congratulate the new mayor of Randfontein for being duly elected.

Sir, whilst being in the planning phase of your term, I would strongly suggest that you make the Traffic Department a priority.

During the past three years I had the most hair-raising experiences when my two sons had to go through the process of applying for driver’s licences.

Let me refresh your memory. The Traffic Department offices are among the filthiest in town. Inside you find either handwritten or badly copied notices against the wall, photocopiers that are out of order (you are promptly told to go across the street and pay R6 for a copy), staff are the most impolite people in town (it might be because of their working environment). Nowhere else have I seen that staff working directly with the public eat at their work stations, read magazines and use cellphones.

Walking to the back of the building to get your eyes tested, you will find the proud officers in their uniforms sitting in the sun – strongly resembling the elderly at an old age home. Maybe that is the reason for more and more people not stopping at stop signs because they know all the king’s horses and all the king’s men are sitting in the sun sipping tea.

I have noticed that the only time the traffic officers are out in full force is when they escort a funeral procession. But one should not expect any more from them. It is nothing short of a textbook example of a dysfunctional office.

So rather than putting myself through this again this year I decided to take my other son to Krugersdorp Traffic Department. I dare the readers not to believe what I am about to tell you – go and see for yourself.

I found the building to be clean, the staff friendly and professional, and an organised way of doing things. No waiting in queues whilst the staff are reading Keur, eating breakfast cereal or making or receiving private cellphone calls. You promptly move from one offices to the next and then to the section where the tellers are. In the test area outside things are running smoothly and you leave the department feeling content. I am now a fierce supporter of the Krugersdorp Traffic Department. Residents of Randfontein you can go there; you will be pleasantly surprised. If it means that we must take money from Randfontein and spend it at the neighbouring municipality, then so be it.

Mr Mayor, good luck to you. You are in my prayers – you are going to need it!

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