
Expose the culprits who dump

I think it is time we start to name and shame them.

As the DA Councillor for Ward 3 I would like to inform the residents of Randfontein that the illegal dumping next to the Randfontein Road on the Droogeheuwel portion of land has been reported to the municipality on numerous occasions.

I have taken the MMC for Waste and Environment to view the area in order to highlight the urgency of the matter and she has committed to having the area cleaned.

I also forwarded several suggestions to the Municipal Manager, whom I believe will assist in preventing people from dumping their waste in the area. Individuals and businesses dumping their waste anywhere other than the municipal dumping site have no respect for either the environment or the residents of Randfontein.

If you make the effort to load your waste onto a vehicle, then make the effort to drive to the municipal dumping site. Don`t dump it on someone else’s doorstep.

The bylaws must be enforced and any individual caught dumping must be fined and if needed prosecuted. I am appealing to residents should they see anyone dumping in their area illegally to take the registration number and make of the vehicle, and if possible a photo of it.

I think it is time we expose the culprits and start to name and shame them.

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