
Street names in Randfontein? Think again.

This is a serious problem and really needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

I was on my way to a prospective client and thought that I could find the street in Randfontein without help; think again. No street names anywhere. How are we supposed to know where streets are if there are no indication of the street?

God forbid you need to get an ambulance or emergency services to find your house? What about important parcels to be home delivered?

This is ridiculous, how can a town function if there are no street names on most Randfontein streets?

This is a serious problem and really needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

I am sure the Council can spare a few guys (or girls) that are not so busy that could paint the street names on the curbs of every street?

A paint brush and paint should not bankrupt the municipality.

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