
‘Boerehaat’ has reached boiling point — PRAAG

PRAAG to oppose "Ebola-like outbreak of Boerehaat in South Afrca".

PRAAG, the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group will meet this week to consider the options in what it described as the “Ebola-like outbreak of Boerehaat in South Africa”.

“We’ve had it,” said Dr. Dan Roodt, leader of PRAAG.

According to Roodt “In the latest incident a modelling agency down in Cape Town told an Afrikaans girl of 16 that she was a ‘Nazi’ and should be ashamed of putting Afrikaans as a language on her CV. Hatred of Afrikaans and Afrikaners, traditionally known as ‘Boerehaat’, has reached boiling point.”

PRAAG is instructing its lawyers to sue both the person who made the remark towards the youngster and modelling agency in the Equality Court.

“This is like Germany in the 1930s,” Roodt continued.

“Not only are we being massacred on the farms and being discriminated against by this sadistic English state, but there are now people who actually call us ‘Nazi’s’ when they are the real perpetrators of a crime against humanity by ethnically cleansing us from the country for which we trekked, fought and died.”

Reacting to reports that the Department of Higher Education under its communist minister was going to anglicise the NWU’s Potchefstroom campus, PRAAG declared: “According to an interview with Minister Blade Nzimande published last week, he is the son of a foreigner, a Mozambican who also happened to be a criminal. We demand to know when Nzimande became a South African citizen, when and where his birth was registered and by what right he may impose his language, English, on our beautiful students on their pristine rural campus which was founded by our own people and which has existed in Potchefstroom since 1905.”

PRAAG called on Nzimande “to put a stop to his irrational hatred of Afrikaans and Afrikaners, even though he comes from Natal where the Union Jack once flew” and honour the commitment given by the ANC in 2000 that “at least two universities should retain their Afrikaans language and character”.

“However, we have become used to the very English duplicity of this government. Just like Tony Blair, that war criminal, lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to kill a million Iraqis,this equally hideous English government is reneging on its promises to at least accord a modicum of language rights to the indigenous Afrikaner people,” said Roodt.

The leader of PRAAG also expressed his fear that both the ANC and “the motley collection of Boerehaat fanatics thronging in Johannesburg and in Cape Town, especially in the British-oriented media, would start treating us like Palestinians and kill even more of our children than their sadistic freedom fighters are already doing on the farms and in the suburbs.

“We reject your fake English state, with your fake PhDs, your fake British identity, your bad taste, your horrible SABMiller culture, your bad food, your ugly buildings, your corruption, your sewage in our rivers, your lies, your fake Marxist history, your fake everything. Just deliver us from this English-Kampuchean ‘democratic’ nightmare in which, to quote Steve Hofmeyer, our people are dying like flies,” the leader of PRAAG concluded.

He previously tweeted: “‘Democratic Kampuchea’ under Pol Pot lasted four years. ‘Democratic South Africa’ another tragic mistake. Scrap it now and give us cantons.”

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  1. Why do you post a picture of the AWB’s three-sevens flag alongside this story? Praag is not alligned with the AWB at all. the Pro Afrikaans action group fights for the language- and cultural rights of Afrikaners. I think you are trying to influence your readers into believing that PRAAG members are nazis. I think you should remove this picture because you are insulting many people who belong to PRAAG and support Dr Dan Roodt’s lifelong campaign for Afrikaners to have the right to keep speaking their own language and to educate their children in the Afrikaans language. Try to inform yourselves a bit better before posting a picture to try and ‘illustrate’ a particular story.

  2. Ek stem heelhartig saam met die artikel. Ek voel egter dat dit meer vanpas in afrkaans sou wees met die keuse om dit in n ander taal te kan kry. Is AFRIKAANS dan nie juis dit waaroor die geskil gaan nie. Dit is egter hoog tyd dat ons ons oe oop maak en by ander leer, hoe het die duisende stakers hulle sin gekry !!! Nie net omdat hulle moer baie was nie nee, Hulle het F*&&#N SAAM GESTAAN

  3. My exact question as Adriana. What the heck does a AWB flag have to do with a Boer? I will contact the ombudsman as this is nothing but delibarate vilification of an ethnic group, and Praag. I associate with Boers but not with the AWB, so what is your motive with the flag??

    Neutral reporting, or to sway it a certain way. Get your act together. Poor Journalism who ever put the pic up and shouldn’t be working at a newspaper.

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