Quad bikes a pain

We live close to the veld, just behind Westcol Collage and these youngsters with their bikes travel down our road towards the veld and back.

• Rodney Coeztee from Eikepark writes:

I am fed up with these teenagers and their quad bikes.

Every weekend is the same story. You try to have a relaxing afternoon at home and then suddenly a some teenagers race down your street with their quad bikes.

We live close to the veld, just behind Westcol Collage and these youngsters with their bikes travel down our road towards the veld and back.

I wish they can realise that this is a residential area and not a dirt track.

If you want to behave like maniacs on bikes, visit Dirt Bronco or something, but please stop irritating the life out of us as residents of the area.

Your bikes are not roadworthy. Therefore it does not belong on our roads.

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