Municipality needs to pull up its socks

We cannot sit with roads as terrible as ours 20 years into democracy. It should not be acceptable.

• Concerned Randfontein resident writes:

As a resident of Randfontein, I truly am ashamed to live in this place.

First and foremost, the infrastructure is dilapidated and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

Despite articles in the Herald about numerous problematic issues of concern, the municipality continues to be ignorant of our plight.

For instance, street signs are missing and the roads are in a terrible condition.

The Greenhills Cemetery is in a shocking state.

As if this is not enough, we still have illegal dumping sites that continue to be rife irrespective of the warnings by the municipality that anyone found to be dumping illegally will face the music.

This goes to show that nothing is being done by the municipality because the problem seemingly is growing.

I truly think the Randfontein Municipality should pull up its socks and focus on service delivery

We cannot sit with roads as terrible as ours 20 years into democracy. It should not be acceptable.

The government needs to know that we are the ones who have put them in power and we very well can take all that power away.

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