God is a reality

The fact that the sun sets and rises each day is by the mercy of God.

• Belinda Niemand from Randfontein writes:

It is so sad to see how certain people in the community cling to science as their last resort.

I recently realised that there are really people who do not know their Creator and I truly feel sorry for these people as they are left in the dark regarding the love, compassion and patience God has for each and every one of us.

Many people want to see God in order to believe in Him, but what they do not realise is that God is within them as we are created in the image of God.

How can someone not belive in God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, when miracles are happening every day.

When I speak of miracles, I am not talking about supernatural sci-fi happenings.

The fact that the sun sets and rises each day is by the mercy of God.

The fact that you breathe is a daily gift from God, but I guess some people cannot understand that.

As far as the story goes regarding that human life evolved from monkeys: If this scientific hokum was actually true, why are there still monkeys roaming the planet or are they humans in the making?

I have the perfect advice for those who cling to science instead of meeting their Creator.

Stop searching for ways to prove that God is a hokum.

You will not succeed in proving that.

Instead, start to look at how He helps you each and every day.

One should just remember that life is a gift from God, but the way you live it, is your gift back unto Him.

People who doubt God’s existence, you are in for a treat as He is always with you and you will soon realise it.

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