
Register to vote

We have seen over the years how our country is run and now is the time to voice our dissatisfaction.

• Randfontein resident writes

Now that the final voter’s registration weekend is almost here, I would like to urge residents of Randfontein and the citizens of this country alike to register to vote on 8 and 9 February.

This is because it is the only platform that gives us the right to change the dynamics and the politics of this country without necessarily having to boo our president off the stage because that does not help.

We have seen over the years how our country is run and now is the time to voice our dissatisfaction.

The Marikana massacre, the Nkandla upgrade, the rape charges against our President are some of the many things we have to look at when voting.

We have to think whether our decisions will be pushing this country forward or dragging it back.

The only time you and I can have a say in how our country is run is only if we vote.

Until then, we have no right to complain and must just shut up and live with whatever decisions the ruling party has to make.

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