Kill the tsotsi, kill the criminal

We cannot rely on the police because as we have witnessed, they are unable to fight crime.

• Eric Letlhake writes:

As a resident in Randgate, I am saddened by the way our community members are being brutally killed in their own homes for their own property and I am angry at myself for not taking action in making sure that Randgate and the entire Randfontein becomes a crime free zone.

I feel that we as residents have allowed criminals to turn our area into their hub or holiday resort where they do as they please.

In all honesty, we are losing our community members whom are playing a very important role in the economic development of Randfontein,

I am talking about the law abiding fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.

Despite race or colour, why must we suffer by allowing these criminals to hold us under siege in our own homes?

It seems as though criminals are enjoying freedom and democracy more than law abiding citizens in this country because our government can not bring back the death penalty.

Because of that, it is time to free Randfontein from the hands of criminals and I suggest we reclaim our communities.

This town belongs to us and we must take the law into their own hands

We cannot rely on the police because as we have witnessed, they are unable to fight crime.

We have a government that cannot secure the safety of its own citizens and deliver services.

Now somebody answer me, where must we run to and what must we do?

I think we should do it ourselves and govern our own areas.

As a member of community I would like to be a part of Community Policing Forum to take responsibility but I have a solution even if it may sound violent it is the only way.

Let us chat catch me at

• Letter published unedited – Editor

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