Will your X make a difference? Young, first-time voters have their say (Part Two)

More matriculants share their thoughts about voting and whether their mark will make a difference.

The Randfontein Herald asked Grade 12 learners from Randfontein High School (RHS) and first-time voters if they think their vote will make a difference at the national elections on May 29.

“In my honest opinion, my mark will make a difference to such an extent that I hope it will have an impact on society,” Tumelo Lusie said.

Nyiko Chauke.

Nyiko Chauke stated his vote will surely make a difference no matter how small. He added that in the elections, differences are measured by one’s vote, in other words, vote for vote.

Keabetswe Magubane.

Keabetswe Magubane claimed her vote matters because it would boost the chances for her chosen party to make a difference and perhaps even win in the upcoming elections.

Lesego Ntsimane.

“I feel that it would make a difference since it means I voiced my opinion and took part in a democratic system. It shows that I was not afraid to state the current problems. I also want to see change in our country,” Lesego Ntsimane added.

Baanetse Malekane.

Baanetse Malekane concluded that as the youth of South Africa, they should speak up more in the future and be heard.

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