
Back to school does not have to be stressful

Support your child with a positive attitude towards going back to school.

The beginning of the school year doesn’t have to be a daunting time for young people. Parents and teachers can do much to help support the physical and mental well-being of their children as they navigate new schools, teachers, or classrooms.

“While some anxiety is expected in children at this time, it should not be ignored,” said Dr Cathelijn Zeijlemaker, a family physician and director of Netcare’s Primary Care division, of which Netcare Medicross is a subsidiary, sharing her advice for parents to help their children through what can be a difficult time.

She added it may not always be obvious that your child is struggling.

“Smaller children may not know how to verbalise how they are feeling, so parents should be on the lookout for signals from their children that could indicate discomfort or anxiety. These could include children seeking their reassurance more than they normally do, complaining of tummy aches or other ailments, being more emotional than usual, or displaying changes in their sleeping or eating patterns,” said Dr Zeijlemaker.

“A check-up with your child’s family doctor at the beginning of the school year can help set parents’ minds at ease and distinguish any medical concerns that need to be addressed. In addition, children’s anxiety can often be helped by explaining to them that many other children will be feeling the same way,” she said.

“Studies show that children who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better. Ensuring your child has a breakfast that contains some protein will assist them to do better in school by having better concentration and more energy. Make sure your children’s vaccinations are up to date and ensure they have any medication, like asthma pumps, they may need at school. Also, make sure their new class teacher knows about any medical conditions they have and how to manage them.”

Children quickly feel judged, lectured, or punished and will therefore avoid talking about touchy subjects. Create an environment where you can listen uninterrupted, don’t judge and your child feels safe to share.

The start of the year is a good time to engage about your child’s use of social media and ensure that they use it safely in an age-appropriate manner.

“Social media can be an important aid to learning if used correctly. Parents should keep up to date with the latest trends in social media, so they know what they are talking about when interacting with their children. Be aware of online bullying or children using social media sites in a way that is not suitable for their ages,” she said.

“A good night’s rest helps to enable concentration while children are at their desks. To ensure quality sleep parents should consider encouraging good sleep hygiene, like a set time for bed and limiting screen time in the evenings. If you suspect your child may have learning challenges, immediately schedule an appointment with their school to see what they can do to help and get advice on how best you can help your child,” continued Dr Zeijlemaker.

“Potential problems can sometimes be signalled by a change in your child’s appetite, weight or sleeping habits. If you have any concerns about your child’s health, including their mental or behavioural health, General Practitioners [GPs] are there to assist and may refer children to the services of experts like occupational therapists, pediatricians or educational psychologists where needed.”

Netcare shared some practical strategies to support children during this period of adjustment, emphasising the importance of seamlessly reintegrating school life into daily routines.

They highlighted the pivotal role of occupational therapy, a discipline that encompasses a thorough evaluation of an individual’s functioning within their environment, aiming to assist them in adapting and excelling in every aspect of their life.

With the overall well-being of children navigating the challenges of returning to structured schedules in mind, Morisse provided four pragmatic ways to help children get back into a routine after the long holidays.

• Set clear tasks but keep it visual and fun
Make a visual chart with specific tasks and have a space to tick off each task when it has been completed. These could include going to sleep and waking up at the right time, their meal and snack times, brushing their teeth, tidying their room, packing their bag for the next day, and any chores they need to do. This can be adapted when new tasks such as homework, projects, and after-school activities are added.

• Have a bedtime routine
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine aids children in adjusting to a regular sleep schedule. This can include brushing their teeth, putting their electronic devices away at least 30 minutes before bedtime, and doing an age-appropriate calming activity such as reading, colouring in, or journalling. A small reward for completing the routine every day for a week is a good motivator. This could be a trip to the park or time with family – it doesn’t have to cost money.

• Provide emotional support
To help children with the emotional demands of starting school again you could have a morning check-in where everyone says what emotion they are feeling. Once again, a visual chart can help younger children to express themselves better. This will allow you to keep track of your child’s emotions around school and help prompt a conversation when they pick emotions like feeling sad, scared or angry.

Netcare further emphasised the importance of making sure your child is learning in a compassionate, enabling environment where they feel safe rather than feeling that they are under pressure to excel.

“Be mindful of the expectations you set for your children, stressing the value of effort rather than just results. Don’t make them feel like they are under a lot of pressure to excel as this can cause anxiety and stress in children and may make them want to avoid school.”

• Teach children to care for their physical health
Encourage children to take a break and enjoy fresh air by playing outside before starting their homework. Remember that as a child, their main occupation is play.

Help your children implement their routines and keep track of their homework, but don’t do it for them. You are helping them build the habits they will need to foster future independence. Avoid doing everything for them, and rather promote self-reliance based on their age.

Don’t forget to help your child by having a positive attitude towards their return to school. But, if you have any concerns about how your child is coping at school, seek professional advice as soon as possible.

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