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Residents of Xhosa heritage share their traditional ways

Residents from Xhosa heritage share some of their traditions and customs and how it has changed from back in the day to now.

Three Xhosa residents proudly shared their way of life and what it means to them this Heritage Month.

Lumka Bhetumani explained her culture is all about respect.

“Life was somewhat different in the old days as people followed their cultural values by the book. There was respect. Nowadays, some people copy others. You should know your roots, be proud of who you are and where you come from and not deviate nor copy other cultures,” stated Lumka.

Bulelwa Mbasa added that in the old days, the men ate separately from the rest of the family. Furthermore, in their homeland, women were expected to defer to men’s authority. Another aspect that was different back then compared to now is how food was prepared.

“Food was not mixed with spices which we believe is much healthier. We also ate food from the garden but these days people choose the quick option as food is easily available in cans.”

Meat is another concern as she explained back in the good old days there were no worries of expiry dates as meat was eaten directly after the animal had been slaughtered.

Thandiswa Jezile stated she is proud of her culture and grew up having respect for her roots. She noted if a person did not follow their cultural ways, they might get sick and do they prefer going to traditional healers instead of hospitals.

Another traditional belief according to her is that children were not allowed to eat eggs and cheese as they believed young women would become fertile.

Lumka added for young girls to wear short trousers and skirts is not traditional as it is considered indecent.

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