Open your heart and support Wings’ 11 centres in need

With the numerous expenses the Wings of Inspiration Care Centre has, they are appealing to the community for help.

Wings of Inspiration Care Centre is appealing to the community to help with funding for their tiling project and other expenses.

Kyle Heath explained they have 11 centres where they try to help people and during the winter time, they face many challenges.

“People get sick, aside from the regular care they require and they also need warmth and shelter.

“We will need to purchase blankets and winter bedding, winter clothes and shoes, medicine, extra food and we will have to provide for more electricity. Our petrol bill also increases in winter because we must transport more patients. So, I ask you to please consider this and open your hearts,” said Kyle.

He outlined their financial expenses across some of their centres:

• Dog shelter expenses
This includes food, upkeep of kennels, vet bills, dipping, deworming, medication, and sterilisation.
• Old age home expenses
These expenses cover food, nappies, medication, wet wipes, oxygen, and petrol for clinic visits.
• Women’s shelter expenses
This category includes wet wipes, nappies, medication, vitamins, and petrol for clinic visits.
• General operational costs
To keep the organisation running smoothly, they require R450 000, which includes rent, electricity bills, and petrol expenses.

They are also planning on tiling two of their frail care centres. Tiling offers many advantages including hygiene, as it is easier to clean and pest control as insects can’t find shelter between the tiles and they are easier to spot. The smooth surface is also more convenient for residents with mobility issues, for example, those who have to make use of wheelchairs and walkers and it is more durable.

“To bring this project to fruition, we estimate the total cost of materials and labour to be R45 000 (quote on request). This includes the purchase of tiles and the necessary labour for installation. We believe that by tiling the wings of our centre, we can significantly improve the overall standard of care and living conditions for our residents.”

Any person who wants to donate can contact Kyle on 063 870 7745.

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