67 minutes for the animals

Cast Aways celebrates Mandela Day by asking residents to give their shelter's animals some love.

Cast Aways Animal Sanctuary has appealed to residents to celebrate Mandela Day by giving their 67 minutes to the shelter’s animals.

“We encourage the community to make a positive impact on the lives of shelter animals. Mandela Day is a global initiative that encourages people to spend 67 minutes of their time giving back to the animals that once belonged to someone and are now homeless,” founder and director Louisa Rossouw said.

She encouraged the public to spend a few minutes of their day giving love to the animals that do not always get the opportunity to socialise. She added that the animals always enjoy Mandela Day due to the treats and attention they receive.

Louisa stated that the organisation always celebrates Mandela Day from July 12 until July 18.

“Give your 67 minutes to those who need it most,” Louisa concluded.

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